воскресенье, 25 декабря 2011 г.

Fwd: Анти-кризисное решение по рекламе

5 pассылоk - 7900 pуб.!
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Региoны - этo для Bас:
3 рaсcылkи по любoму региoну - 2900 pуб.
Уточнить инфopмaцию, cделaть зakаз:
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чeтыре 488 ноль 216 двa

Fwd: My Last Notification Letter

Dear Friend,  I am senior staff work with a bank here in Spain, I need your assistance in repatriating the funds left behind by a late customer that died with his entire family before it is declared unserviceable.  Every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved unsuccessful ,  I contact you, because we can therefore present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance since   there is no written will. I will give you more Details to your response to this.  I would request that you keep the content of this mail confidential and the integrity of the information as important. I contact you as an independently proposal outside the bank i work.  My Email: cortezalfonso41@yahoo.com  Best regards, Mr. Alfonso Cortez  

Ваш адрес электронной почты был награжден 1,000,000.00 фунтов в MBM Xmas Promo отправить:

Имена ...
Национальность ...
Тел ...

пятница, 23 декабря 2011 г.

Хай, мась.!!!

Ну вот, интересный спам на мэйл ру :)

Приветики, адрес твоего мыла скинула мне Ритка!!!
а ты симпотяжка, .))
Ищу парня для периодических секс отношений. Я НЕ проститутка, шалава итд, и ищу единственного парня и даже не собираюсь изменять
если хош познакомиться, залазь на мою страничку..)))
стучись на ссылке XOOOOOOOOOOg0od.ruOOOOOOOOOOX стучи =) Прошу внимания!!!

понедельник, 19 декабря 2011 г.

I am senior staff

Dear Friend
I am senior staff work with a bank here in Spain, I need your assistance in repatriating the funds left behind by a late customer that died with his entire family before it is declared unserviceable.

Every attempt to trace any member of his family has proved unsuccessful and abortive.

I contacted you because we can therefore present you as the beneficiary to the inheritance since there is no written will. I will give you more information upon your response to this.

I would request that you keep the content of this mail confidential and the integrity of the information as important. I contacted you as an independently proposal outside the bank i work. My Email: cortezalfonso41@yahoo.com

Best regards,

Mr. Alfonso Cortez
Email: cortezalfonso41@yahoo.com.

среда, 14 декабря 2011 г.

PM Grinder Taiwan

Dear Sirs:
This is Mr.Cheng ---CEO from PM Grinder Taiwan
It is our pleasure to contact you
PM Grinder Taiwan is the only one cylindrical grinder manufacture that specializes in the extra large grinder.
Our cylindrical grinders can grind
the work-piece ,
the diameter   ,
and the work-piece up to .

Crown Shape Grinding( Convex /Concave)
The FANUC CNC-controller is applied to develop the roll grinding process automatically.
The system is configured with a humanized operation panel for user which made the grinding operation became easy and precision.
All the operator need to do just call a cutting program from memory to performed the grinding sequentially.
The crown grinding is also easy to get which include base SINE curve COSINE curve CVC curve and combined arc curve.
The camber values was assigned by the program.
The system have integrated a net function for output & input of the data of the cutting & the parameter of machine or maintenance.
The followings are our advantantages just for you reference
1.     Industry application fields
Our products are very popular in the industry fields, such as the steel, paper, glass manufacturing and
plastic injection fields

2.     Quality and Price
Our products absolutely can fit your need with high quality and reasonable price.
You may check the attachment to see some of our techniques in the cylindrical grinder, including the
tolerance and roughness

Also you may check the following path for our grinding movies for your reference
A: Crank Shaft Grinding

B: Cylindrical Grinding

3.     Customers for reference
Our customers such as the China Steel Corporation and KHC steel Corporation
The two companies are the stock list company in Taiwan
Crank Shaft and Crank Shaft Grinder                           Multiple step cylinder and Roller Grinder
So, for your further understanding;
 The following is cylindrical grinder brief introduction just for your reference
All the headstock & front base, carriage are cast in high strain casting up to FC30~FC35
Ribs of the base are designed with cell form to get stability & rigidness. The guide way is lubricated by
hydrodynamic & static lubrication-system to get smooth motion and low friction occurs between base & table.

B: Grinding Wheel
The spindle is made by Ni-Cr-Mo alloy steel with precise grinding which was installed into hydrodynamic
bearing to get precise rotary & non-wear performance.
The Grinding wheel is mounted on the grinding support adjust (carriage) directly and lubricated by
hydrodynamic & static lubricate-system the pulley on the spindle are pulled with indirect to avoid it to
get strain from the motor.

DRIVE by varied frequency motor which offer the headstock varied speed widely.
AIR-DYNAMIC DEVICE on the bottom of the headstock for easily moving.
The SPRING DRIVEN-DOG is to ensure the work piece to get smooth running.

The wheel-dressing device is mounted on the tailstock to dress the edge & face of the wheel by program.
And the AIR-DYNAMIC DEVICE on the bottom of the tailstock is to move it easily.
By adjusting the bottom of the tailstock directly, our esteemed customer can get the work-piece alignment.

The FANUC CNC-controller is applied to develop the roll grinding process automatically. The system is
configured with a humanized operation panel for user which made the grinding operation became easy
and precise.
There are 4 built in programs in our CNC controller
Even a junior technician can create the master piece of grinding

G: Glide way
 We use the one V and one flat glide way for the slide moving
Besides that, we use the hydraulic and static lubrication system to make sure the min.
The friction between the slide.
Furthermore, we use the wearing resist pad to extend the durability of the slide system

Your Excellency or your customers can easily find some of our products will fit your needs with reasonable
and competitive price via our strong marketing supports;  our customers will increase their production
efficiency and increase the ROI( return on investment) and  the revenue in no time.

We are so sure there will be something right just for your market.
Shall you require any further information, please don't hesitate to contact us.
We will be at your disposal. Thank you for your participation and look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best Regards

Mr. Cheng

воскресенье, 11 декабря 2011 г.

Письмо от Агапа

Не случайно часы данной коллекции носят название Heritage , которое в переводе с английского означает Наследие . Действительно, перед нами воплощения богатого исторического и культурного наследия марки Breguet, марки с многовековой историей. Оформление данной серии пришло к нам из XVIII века, из тех далеких времен, когда наручных часов даже не существовало. Но мастерам и дизайнером Breguet удалось воплотить дух того времени, его изящество и манеры в корпусе бочкообразной формы, циферблате, украшенном римскими цифрами и замечательном турбийоне. Два круга на циферблате малый цифербалт и турбийон образуют своими очертаниями цифру 8 - символ бесконечности, вечного движения времени и истории. Идеальная реплика со швейцарским механизмом. http://diafaifellu2402.qipim.ru

С Уважением

суббота, 3 декабря 2011 г.


Мы предлагаем Вашему вниманию действительно уникальную коллекцию спектаклей и радиоспектаклей, которая может стать прекрасным подарком. Нам удалось собрать практически всю русскую и зарубежную классику, а также много современной литературы. В нашу коллекцию вошло очень много редких произведений, звучавших на радио в советское время, в прочтении таких великих людей как Лев Дуров, Николай Караченцов, Олег Табаков, Андрей Миронов, Анатолий Папанов, Евгений Евстигнеев, Спартак Мишулин и многие другие, к сожалению некоторых из них уже нет на свете. Нам больших трудов стоило собрать нашу коллекцию, поскольку большинство произведений давно не переиздавались. Создавая нашу коллекцию мы хотели чтобы эти сокровища были доступны не только людям старой закалки, но и молодому поколению, поэтому мы посвятили целый диск исключительно детским радиоспектаклям, сказкам, стихам. Гарантированное удовольствие от прослушивания записей получат все, как взрослые, так и дети. Не хотим больше отнимать Ваше время, предлагаем просто перейти к ознакомлению с подробным описанием содержания коллекции и самостоятельно оценить достоинства этого уникального подарка!
! Ознакомится с полным списком спектаклей Вы можете в прикрепленном файле !
Коллекция занимает 47 гигабайтсостоит из 10 DVD дисков, на которых собрано более 2100 часов записей в mp-3 формате с высоким качеством звучания. Мы гарантируем отличное качество всех записей, никаких шумов, рекламы и прочего, что может огорчить слушателя. Для записи использовались надёжные DVD диски со специальным покрытием, которое повышает устойчивость диска к механическим повреждениям, таким как трещины и царапины, а это значит, что наша коллекция будет радовать Вас много лет. Коллекция упакована в пластиковые боксы (slim-dvd), имеет красивые, а главное продуманные обложки, с обратной стороны которых указан список вошедших на диск записей, их подробное описание и другую полезную информацию.
Стоимость коллекции на 10 DVD дисках - 3200 рублей.
Продаются только вместе, доставка включена в стоимость.
Доставка и оплата коллекции осуществляется только по России - почтой, наложенным платежом, никакой предоплаты не требуется, оплата только в момент получения на почте, доставка входит в стоимость, сроки доставки зависят от расстояния и степени загрузки почты, но как правило это 5-14 суток с момента отправки. Напоминаем, что у нас нет курьерской доставки - только почтой, в том числе и по Москве.

Для оформления заказа просьба не забывать указывать:

--- Ваш почтовый индекс (пишите правильный индекс - это ускорит доставку);
--- Ваш город и точный адрес (название улицы, номер дома и номер квартиры);
--- Ф.И.О. получателя и ОБЯЗАТЕЛЬНО номер контактного телефона (лучше сотовый);

Заказы\вопросы направляйте по адресу: radioteatr@agiddvdgid.ru
Мы очень трепетно относимся к качеству нашего товара, поэтому каждый диск, вошедший в коллекцию, перед отправкой проверяются на специальном оборудовании, которое позволяет определить возможные дефекты, и как следствие отправка бракованной продукции сведена к нулю. Но если вдруг с полученным товаром возникнут проблемы, то все наши покупатели всегда могут рассчитывать на квалифицированную техническую поддержку. Мы никогда не отказываемся от гарантийных обязательств, в случае проблемы Вы можете рассчитывать на замену, почтовые расходы мы берём на себя. При почтовой доставке диски упаковываются в специальный ударостойкий материал, что в значительной степени уменьшает риск повреждения при транспортировке.
Если наша рассылка Вам не интересна, и Вы не хотите больше получать от нас письма, то для этого нужно отправить нам пустое письмо с темой “deletemail” после чего Ваш адрес навсегда будет удален из наших списков.


Здравствуй мой дорогой,
Как вы сегодня, я надеюсь, все будет хорошо с вами. Мне жаль, беспокоиться вам мое предложение для отношений с вами, но я знаю, что вы будете предоставлять мою просьбу в духе доброй воли и понимания, Меня зовут Джессика. Я просто пошел через профиль не имеет возможностей, чем вам сообщить, что я заинтересован в том, чтобы отношения с вами, я также хотел бы знать вас больше, вы можете отправить письмо, чтобы я могу послать вам более подробную информацию о моей самостоятельной В том числе моя картина. Я считаю, что мы можем двигаться отсюда. Но имейте в виду, что любовь не имеет цвета барьер, никакие образовательные барьер землю обратно, ни социально-экономического барьера, религиозных, языка, национальности или расстояние барьер, только важная вещь есть любовь. Я жду вашу почту на мой адрес выше.
с искренним уважением
Мисс Джессика.

Роману Халамендику срочно нужна помощь!

Внимание! Данное письмо вытащено из спам ящика - Яндекс почты, оно может быть мошенничеством! Будьте бдительны!
Warning - this post is a spam!

Роману Халамендику срочно нужна помощь!
На долю Ромы Халамендика из города Переяслав-Хмельницкий Киевской области выпало немало страданий. Ребенок, практически с первых лет жизни лишенный родительского внимания, любви и заботы, находится на попечении у бабушки и дедушки.
Рассказывает бабушка Ромочки Халамендика Наталья Петровна:
Рома родился 13 августа 2000 года в г. Переяслов – Хмельницкий.  Он рос хорошим и здоровым мальчиком, хотя вес его при рождении был очень маленький – всего 2,200 г. Сначала все было хорошо. Ромчик иногда болел простудой, как и все маленькие детки.
Но, когда он заболел в 2005 году, у него начал косить глазик. Мы обратились к врачу, сделали снимки.  Доктора сказали, что ничего страшного нет. Рома продолжал ходить в садик, а затем пошел в первый класс. В школе из-за нагрузки, мальчик стал видеть хуже, а глазик косил все больше и больше. Мы опять обратились к врачу, нам снова сказали, что с глазами ничего «страшного»  нет. Нас направили к невропатологу, потом  на МРТ, а там…. Даже страшно говорить, врачи обнаружили опухоль в голове, очень больших размеров. Именно она и нарушала зрение мальчика. Я не могла поверить, что это все происходит с моим внуком. Но мне нужно было держаться, потому что, к сожалению,  мама Ромы не особо переживала по этому поводу. Мы с дедушкой взяли заботу о внуке под свою опеку и ответственность.
7 февраля 2007 года нашему мальчику сделали операцию на голове по удалению опухоли. К сожалению, опухоль,  не удалось убрать полностью, т.к. оставшуюся часть нельзя было трогать. Далее мы прошли курс лучевой терапии. Врачи сказали, что надежда на выздоровление у Ромочки есть!
Как бы мне хотелось, чтобы наш мальчик выздоровел и снова видел! Ведь он такой любознательный, ему все надо знать, все видеть…
Люди добрые, помогите нашему мальчику выбраться из этого кошмара!


Ведь опасная опухоль, неудаленная часть которой по прежнему угрожает ребенку, в любой момент может возобновить свой рост. Ради бесценной жизни мальчика нам нужно спешить! Нужно торопиться во имя веры и надежды этого трогательного ребенка!
Ромочка верит в победу над тьмой, верит, что лечение за рубежом приоткроет для него не только путь к спасению, но и утраченные яркие краски мира.
И мы верим - пока жива надежда, чудеса возможны... 
 Реквизиты для оказания финансовой помощи:
1. Карточка Maestro (Сбербанк):
(счет открыт на волонтера Ромы в России)
БИК: 047308602
ИНН банка: 7707083893
Расчетный счет в рублях РФ: 40817 810 6 69007602504
Карта №676196000416954312
Получатель: Солопов Евгений Владимирович
Назначение платежа: Благотворительное пожертвование.

2. Яндекс Деньги - 41001575389281

3.Номер Билайн (для пожертвований) +7 903 339 62 40.

По состоянию на 12.11.2011 г. Осталось собрать на операцию в Турцию 150000 рублей. Долг за предыдушие операции состовляет 50000 рублей. Мальчику нужна наша помощь, ему просто не на кого рассчитывать, кроме добрых и неравнодушных людей, Надо спешить, потому что дорог каждый день.
Обязательно посетите офицальный сайт Ромы http://www.halamendikromka.ru/ и всегда сравнивайте реквизиты в письме с реквизитами на сайте! Следите за новостями и будьте в курсе всех новых новостей о Ромке.



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President online games 

Mr. Wang Shu from Hong Kong

Dear Friend, 

Greeting from Hong Kong

This is Mr. Wang Shu from Hong Kong.
I am sending you this message concerning
a Business Proposal of $6,500,000.00
and I want you to partner with me in this project. 
This business will benefit you a lot. 
Please contact me back with the below 
address for details:

Email: replytowang@w.cn

I await your prompt response. 


Mr. Wang Shu

пятница, 2 декабря 2011 г.

вторник, 29 ноября 2011 г.

Good day Private Message to you

Good day
Private Message to you,

The lord spoke to me to share this with you. Please kindly sympathize with my current situation and assist. My name is Isabella Carmel, I escaped tsunami disaster some time ago which affected my spinal cord, my ear drum and claim my entire family, husband and two sons as we both went for holidays in Sri-Lanka.

Right now I am out of the hospital after spending much days, and it might be a shock to you to know that I was eventually disabled due to the catastrophe that stroke me and now I am on a wheelchair after all form of treatment. I have decided to give arms to the needing in the societies. I want this to be a legacy laid down by me on earth therefore I decided to build charity organizations for the less privilege now that my health has deteriorated so badly. I cannot do it personally due to my ailment that is while am soliciting your kind assistant to make this dream a reality through you. I have intend to donate the sum of $10.6M USD I deposited in (OVERSEA CREDIT COMMISSION) for investment abroad to help the less privileged. I need you to help me claim these funds where it was deposited to build charity organizations for the less privilege in the society.

Please I will appreciate if you indicate interest to help actualize this dream and also include your contact telephone/fax numbers that I will forward to the (COMMISSION OFFICIALS) for onward communication with you as my appointed beneficiary. I will provide you the legal documents that will enable you claim the funds.

If you are willing and ready to assist in this project, please e-mail me at caromelmrs.isabella@yahoo.com.hk without delay, while I wait to hear from you.

Thanks once again for your kindness may God guide and reward you in all your endeavors as you make me realize my last dreams and wishes.

Remain blessed,
Mrs. Isabella Caromel

понедельник, 28 ноября 2011 г.

Это очень круто!

Роберт лязгнул челюстями, задрал рубашку и повернулся к ней спиной. В первый раз, принимая решение, Элизабет не подумала о Хэвенхёрсте. Господи, да ты вся промокла, – увидев ее, воскликнула Валери, изображая сочувствие. – На конюшне нам сказали, что ты уехала на весь день. Только не говори, что все это время мокла под дождем! Все, что угодно, моя дорогая, – осипшим голосом проворковал он. Она расхохоталась, покачала головой и почти сразу же успокоилась. Ян оставил выпад без ответа, так как видел, что Элизабет оттаяла, а он слишком дорожил этим ее состоянием. Однако когда насупленный лакей удалился, Ян посмотрел на Джордана и увидел, что тот, прищурившись, проводил его взглядом, затем взглянул на смутившуюся Элизабет. Взрыв смеха за шахматным столиком заставил Яна обернуться, и он заметил стоящего чуть позади Джонатана. Ян с улыбкой посмотрел на сына, который был зачат в ту снежную декабрьскую ночь, когда он приехал в свой шотландский дом и нашел там Элизабет. Да, это не заняло бы столько времени.

United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)


United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)

In Affiliation With Barrack Obama Campaign to Assist Scammed Individuals In The
Settlement Of Disputes Through Zenith Bank Plc.

Attention: Sir/Madam

How are you doing today? Hope all is well with you and your family? You may
not understand why this mail came to you but kindly read the following procedures
for your claim.The United Nation Compensation Commission (UNCC) was created in
1991 as a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council. Its mandate is to process
claims and pay compensation for losses and damages suffered as a direct result of
Internet Fraud.

The UNCC in conjunction with the Obama Campaign on the 12th of October
2008 organized a confederation meeting which ended 2 weeks later, with the
Secretary General to the UNITED NATIONS.This meeting was first held on the 8th of
April 2003 by the then secretary to the UN. You can view this page for your perusal

This email is directed to all individuals that have been scammed in all parts of
the world. In reference to the just concluded meeting, the UNCC in affiliation
with Barrack Obama Campaign have agreed to compensate them with categorical
payment sum of $500,000 each. In its decision 17" of 24th March 2006, the
Governing Council established basic principles for the distribution of
compensation payments to successful claimants. This decision was made two months
before the resolution of the first installment of claims before the Commission.
As stated in the Secretary-General’s report of 2nd May 2006, it was anticipated
that the value of approved awards would far exceed the resources available in the
Compensation Fund at any given time. The Governing Council therefore devised a
mechanism for the allocation of available funds to successful claimants that gave
priority to the three urgent categories of claims and which, within each
category, would give equal treatment to similarly situated claims. Only when each
successful claimant in categories "A", "B" and "C" had been paid an initial
amount up to US$2,500 would payments commence for claims in other categories.

Accordingly, the first phase of payment involved an initial payment of US$2,500
to each successful individual claimant in categories "A" and "C". However, for
humanitarian reasons, all category "B" claims will be paid in full of a total
USD$500,000. A total of US$3,252,337,997.09 was made available to 1,498,119
successful individual claimants in categories "A", "B" and "C" under the first
phase of payments. Claimants includes every foreign contractor that may have not
received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or
international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc.We found
your name in our list and that is why you are receiving this email notification.

You are advised hereby to contact Mr Larry Daniel of Zenith Bank Plc, as he is our
representative in Nigeria who will be releasing your refund payment to you.
Contact him immediately for your approved funds(USD$500,000). This funds are in a
Bank Draft for security purpose, so he will send it to you and you can cash it in
any bank of your choice.Therefore, you should send him your full Name, telephone
number and your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to

Contact Mr.Larry Daniel immediately for your International Bank Draft:

Person to Contact: Mr Larry Daniel
Email: larrydaniel@rediff.com 

Thanks,hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the
world a better place.


Ban Ki-Moon

ames Gasso Principal


I am James Gasso Principal Assurance manager for the Barclays Bank London UK. I am getting in touch with you regarding the estate of Mr Alfred Brown and an investment placed under our banks management for 7 years.
I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail.

In 2000, the subject matter; came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 8.3million United States dollars, which he wished to have us invest on his behalf.
Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over 10 million United States Dollars. In mid 2002, he instructed that the principal sum ($8.3M) be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Hong Kong and China. We got in touch with a specialist bank in London, who agreed to receive this money for a fee and make cash available to Alfred. However the other got in touch with us last year that this money has not been claimed. On further enquiries we found out that Alfred was involved in an accident in Mainland China, which means he died intestate. He has no next of kin and this is the reason I am writing you.
What I propose is that since I have exclusive access to his file, you will be made the beneficiary of these funds. My bank will contact you informing you that money has been willed to you. On verification, which will be the details I make available to my bank, my bank will instruct the other bank to make payments to you. You do not have to have known him. I know this might be a bit heavy for you but please trust me on this. For all your troubles I propose that we split the money in half. In the banking this happens every time.
Nobody is getting hurt; this is a lifetime opportunity for us. I hold the KEY to these funds, and as a British National we see so much cash and funds being re-assigned daily. I would want us to keep communication for now strictly by the above email address, I will give you my mobile telephone number when i get your reply.
Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should act swiftly on this.  Please get back to me immediately via the email.  

Yours faithfully, 

James Gasso 

1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

U.S. Department of the Treasury
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, D.C.
Website: http://www.treasury.gov
Date: 9/11/2011
Dear Beneficiary,
I am Timothy F. Geithner. The Secretary of the Treasury under the U.S Department of the Treasury. The executive agency responsible for promoting economic prosperity and ensuring the financial security of the United States. However, by virtue of my position as the Secretary of the Treasury, I have irrevocably instructed the Federal Reserve Bank to approve your fund release via issuance of a CERTIFIED cheque drawn on Standard Chartered Bank california, USA, which is the authourized bank for your fund release.
However, as a former President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, and being a versatile banker of repute with about 25 years experience in the financial sector, I wish to state categorically that a CERTIFIED cheque of $6,500,000.00 USD drawn on Standard Chartered Bank will be issued and sent to you via the US Postal Service at no cost to you. Every and all cost associated with the delivery of the cheque has been pre-paid by the U.S Government. The only cost associated with your fund release is the cost of processing a "Fund Clearance Certificate", which is estimated to the value of $150.00 USD. The "Fund Clearance Certificate" is required in accordance with the U.S Monetary Policy; and it is the ONLY expenses you will incurr before the cheque will be sent to your mailing address. Hence, you are advised to send the $150.00 USD via Western Union or MoneyGram ONLY to "Charles Green" who is the nominated receiver for the $150.00 USD. The wiring details is stated below:
Receiver: Charles Green
Receiver's culver city, california, USA
Test Question: Fruit
Answer: Apple
Amount: $150.00 USD
You can get more facts about the U.S. Department of the Treasury on the link below: http://www.treasury.gov/about/Pages/Secretary.aspx
Please get back to me with a quick confirmation of your mailing addresss and the payment details for the $150.00 USD.
Yours Sincerely,
Timothy F. Geithner
Secretary of the Treasury

суббота, 26 ноября 2011 г.

Спам картинка на Яндекс почте

Занятная такая гифка - люблю такой спам!



United Nations Compensation Commission (UNCC)

In Affiliation With Barrack Obama Campaign to Assist Scammed Individuals In The
Settlement Of Disputes Through Zenith Bank Plc.

Attention: Sir/Madam

How are you doing today? Hope all is well with you and your family? You may
not understand why this mail came to you but kindly read the following procedures
for your claim.The United Nation Compensation Commission (UNCC) was created in
1991 as a subsidiary organ of the UN Security Council. Its mandate is to process
claims and pay compensation for losses and damages suffered as a direct result of
Internet Fraud.

The UNCC in conjunction with the Obama Campaign on the 12th of October
2008 organized a confederation meeting which ended 2 weeks later, with the
Secretary General to the UNITED NATIONS.This meeting was first held on the 8th of
April 2003 by the then secretary to the UN. You can view this page for your perusal

This email is directed to all individuals that have been scammed in all parts of
the world. In reference to the just concluded meeting, the UNCC in affiliation
with Barrack Obama Campaign have agreed to compensate them with categorical
payment sum of $500,000 each. In its decision 17" of 24th March 2006, the
Governing Council established basic principles for the distribution of
compensation payments to successful claimants. This decision was made two months
before the resolution of the first installment of claims before the Commission.
As stated in the Secretary-General’s report of 2nd May 2006, it was anticipated
that the value of approved awards would far exceed the resources available in the
Compensation Fund at any given time. The Governing Council therefore devised a
mechanism for the allocation of available funds to successful claimants that gave
priority to the three urgent categories of claims and which, within each
category, would give equal treatment to similarly situated claims. Only when each
successful claimant in categories "A", "B" and "C" had been paid an initial
amount up to US$2,500 would payments commence for claims in other categories.

Accordingly, the first phase of payment involved an initial payment of US$2,500
to each successful individual claimant in categories "A" and "C". However, for
humanitarian reasons, all category "B" claims will be paid in full of a total
USD$500,000. A total of US$3,252,337,997.09 was made available to 1,498,119
successful individual claimants in categories "A", "B" and "C" under the first
phase of payments. Claimants includes every foreign contractor that may have not
received their contract sum, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or
international businesses that failed due to Government problems etc.We found
your name in our list and that is why you are receiving this email notification.

You are advised hereby to contact Mr Larry Daniel of Zenith Bank Plc, as he is our
representative in Nigeria who will be releasing your refund payment to you.
Contact him immediately for your approved funds(USD$500,000). This funds are in a
Bank Draft for security purpose, so he will send it to you and you can cash it in
any bank of your choice.Therefore, you should send him your full Name, telephone
number and your correct mailing address where you want him to send the Draft to

Contact Mr.Larry Daniel immediately for your International Bank Draft:

Person to Contact: Mr Larry Daniel
Email: larrydaniel@rediff.com 

Thanks,hoping to hear from you as soon as you cash your Bank Draft. Making the
world a better place.


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I am James Gasso Principal Assurance manager for the Barclays Bank London UK. I am getting in touch with you regarding the estate of Mr Alfred Brown and an investment placed under our banks management for 7 years.
I would respectfully request that you keep the contents of this mail confidential and respect the integrity of the information you come by as a result of this mail.

In 2000, the subject matter; came to our bank to engage in business discussions with our private banking division. He informed us that he had a financial portfolio of 8.3million United States dollars, which he wished to have us invest on his behalf.
Based on my advice, we spun the money around various opportunities and made attractive margins for our first months of operation, the accrued profit and interest stood at this point at over 10 million United States Dollars. In mid 2002, he instructed that the principal sum ($8.3M) be liquidated because he needed to make an urgent investment requiring cash payments in Hong Kong and China. We got in touch with a specialist bank in London, who agreed to receive this money for a fee and make cash available to Alfred. However the other got in touch with us last year that this money has not been claimed. On further enquiries we found out that Alfred was involved in an accident in Mainland China, which means he died intestate. He has no next of kin and this is the reason I am writing you.
What I propose is that since I have exclusive access to his file, you will be made the beneficiary of these funds. My bank will contact you informing you that money has been willed to you. On verification, which will be the details I make available to my bank, my bank will instruct the other bank to make payments to you. You do not have to have known him. I know this might be a bit heavy for you but please trust me on this. For all your troubles I propose that we split the money in half. In the banking this happens every time.
Nobody is getting hurt; this is a lifetime opportunity for us. I hold the KEY to these funds, and as a British National we see so much cash and funds being re-assigned daily. I would want us to keep communication for now strictly by the above email address, I will give you my mobile telephone number when i get your reply.
Please, again, note I am a family man; I have a wife and children. I send you this mail not without a measure of fear as to the consequences, but I know within me that nothing ventured is nothing gained and that success and riches never come easy or on a platter of gold. This is the one truth I have learned from my private banking clients. Do not betray my confidence. If we can be of one accord, we should act swiftly on this.  Please get back to me immediately via the email.

Yours faithfully,

James Gasso

WONG HUI huih2o@yahoo.com.ph

Если бы товарищи знали как смешно звучит имя (или фамилия) HUI

Dear friend,
I am a Bank director with one of the Hong Kong leading bank here in Hong Kong.
An oil business man made a fixed deposit of $24,500.000.00 in my bank branch and he died with his entire family in the war leaving behind no next of kin. 

I Propose to present you as next of kin to claim the funds.Get back to me only if interested with below requested details

1. Full name
2: Your private telephone and Fax numbers
3. Occupations and Nationality
4. Date of Birth
5. Present Location
Hoping to hear from you as soon as possible

Wong Hui.

Mr.Hassam Mohamed mr.hassam.hamed10@gmail.com через yahoo.com

Good day my friend

How are you? I want to inquire from you if you can handle a transaction for mutual benefits/life opportunity for you and me. I am Monsieur Mr.Hassam Mohamed; The Chief International Relation Foreign Remittance Unit of my bank here in Burkina Faso Ouagadougou Branch.

I Have an Opportunity to the Sum of Fifteen Million, Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars (US$15.500.000.00), to transfer into your bank account over there in your country. I will provide the full details of this business transaction when once we known each other as business lie with trust. I personally contacted you and you alone.

The fund will be shared at the ratio of 58% for me. 40% for you and 2% will be set aside to cover any expenses and tax in your bank.

Please treat this business proposal with utmost confidentiality and send me the following Information’s if you are interested.

Your Full Name: ……...................
Your Address: …….......................
Your Age: …….............................
Your Direct Phone Numbers: ……..............
Your Country: ……..............
Your Profession: ……..............
Your SMr.Hassam Mohamedex: ……..............

Thanks and best regards.
Monsieur Hassam Mohamed. M.sc (ECONS)

House Phone:             00226 71359636      
Mobile:             00226 70568795      .